Saturday, 25 February 2012

Film Noir Plot - Blackmail

For our project to make a five minute film noir, we were in a group of three. We decided on the plot of our story together and called our film 'Blackmail'.


Clark McCaine (Journalist)
Martha McCaine (Clark's wife)
Nancy Hartley (Celebrity)


- Clark is a journalist who owns his own newspaper but his buisness is failing with no money and may have to close. He plans to have an affair with Nancy who is a celebrity he has previously interviewed, write an exclusive story on her that she is having an affair with a 'mystery man' and make lots of money from it.

- Martha, Clarks wife, finds out by finding a draft of the newspaper story then follows Clark to Nancy's house waits for him to leave and posts the draft through Nancy's door.

- Nancy see's this draft and panics that it will ruin her career so heads to Martha's house to tell her before anyone else does. The two women get talking and plan to get revenge on Clark. In the end they decide to kill him to save both of them and go to his office with guns.

- Clark turns round in his office chair to see both women standing at his door. He rummaged around in his door for his gun knowing he was in trouble. He turns and shoots aiming for Nancy but hits Martha.

- Martha plays dead and Nancy shoots Clark. Nancy thinks she has got away with killing them both. As she smugly walks out of the office Martha stands up and shoots Nancy.

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