Monday 12 March 2012

Scene Five and Six


This scene above begins with the text on the screen saying ‘4 DAYS LATER’ this shows the passing of time in our film. We then have a shot of Clark walking down the stairs and out to work except he drops some papers on the way out.  Martha runs to collect the papers and out to him but doesn’t catch him. Martha then reads the draft of a story about Nancy Hartley. Martha runs out in shock to follow Clark to find out what he is up to.


The next scene, scene six begins with a long shot of Clark walking up Nancy’s driveway, he is suspicious and secretive about this. Although as he does not know, Martha is close behind watching him from some bushes. Martha spies through Nancy’s window and finds out they are having an affair. Martha hides as Clark leaves Nancy’s house. Once he has left Martha posts the draft of the story about Nancy and how she is having an affair through her letterbox.

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