Wednesday 28 March 2012

Character Profile

The photos to the left are of our three characters in our film, we didn't use anyone that wasn't in our group for actors as using other people would be harder to arrange and would be a longer process. We also printed off sheets for the character profile and for each seperate character filled one out. Below I have included some of the questions:

Who is she : Clark McCaine's wife, Housewife.
Characteristics : Innocent and Reserved, contrasting with her evil side, nice and a pushover but takes very little to get her angry.
See's herself as : Loved by the community, a good friend.
Dress Style : Hidden and doesn't flatter her figure. Outfits for home.

Who is he : Martha McCaine's husband, owner of newspaper.
Characteristics : Polite, easily stressed, easygoing.
See's himself as : Hard worker
Dress Style : Smart, Suit and Hat. Loosens outfit when leaving work / stressed

Who is she : Celebrity/Actress, Having an affair with Clark McCaine.
Characteristics : Snobby, looks down her nose at people and is very honest. Envious of normal lives (like Martha's).
See's herself as : 'Perfect'
Dress Style : Long dresses, glamorous, fur.

We also as a group did interviews with each of us talking about our characters and being asked questions what they are like. This was helpful as it lets you get to know the character and makes it easier to act and get costumes/props right.

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